
Showing posts from June, 2019

Aaron’s Analysis: Fight Club & the Dangers Of Being Stupid.

Spoilers for the movie ‘Fight Club’ (1999). Originally posted by neverfeelbad There’s this idea that being a fan of villains or by extension, toxic characters, is dangerous. While this is understandable, it’s not accurate. I acknowledge the dangers of putting certain things on a pedestal. Praising something with a lack of critical thinking resulted in actual ‘Fight Clubs’ breaking out when the movie first premiered. It’s the reason why criticism towards certain TV shows or video games are often met with a disturbing amount of negativity from their respective fan base/community. I acknowledge this, and so does the movie Fight Club. There’s a difference between a fan and a ‘Stan’. A ‘stalker fan’, is dubbed this from the Eminem music video and song ‘Stan’ about, well, just that. In the song, a fan of Eminem takes his music way too seriously and winds up creating problems for himself and others. Originally posted by intotvoid Likewise, in the film, Jack/Cornelius/The Narrat...

Aaron’s Analysis: Roomillian-My Favorite WLM Couple | Go Get A Roomie/GGAR

- Light Spoilers For The Ongoing Series Disclaimer: The comic is rated R for b00bs. It’s not in an exploitative manner and is used more for humor. But, there are nipples if that’s not your thing.    - I’ve been reading this webcomic since 2014 and I’m proud of that. I’m proud to say that I’ve witnessed such a cute relationship develop between these two characters. Lillian, nicknamed ‘lazy-tyke’ for self-explanatory reasons, is a writer who gets a new roommate. Her name is ‘Roomie’, and she’s a fun-loving eccentric girl who could probably drink Valkyrie (MCU) under the table. ( x ) The story is a series of self-contained four-panel comics. There’s usually a theme going on for each chapter, sometimes focusing more on other characters like Richard & Ramona. The themes can range from gender identities to relationship boundaries. While I’m mainly going to be talking about the Romillian ship, I did want to give a nod to how everyone gets time for development....