Aaron's Review: Luck & Logic

I don’t think ever I’ve watched a show that was on a such a gradual downhill slope in terms of it’s entertainment. 
Guys, Gals, & Non Binary Pals, this is Animated Aaron’s Review of ‘Luck & Logic’.
! The Background !
In a world where gods and demons from various folklore can enter and exit the human world, the demons of course wreak havoc. However, they have to possess someone in order to use their powers and take on much more powerful forms. Same goes for the ‘gods’. A special police known as the ‘ALCA’ protects the streets from the monsters using goddesses to help them transform. The story follows Yoshichika as he aids the other ‘Logicalists’ in protecting their city.
! The Story !
Okay, first two things I don’t like. I mean…at all. The naming and terms used in the show are simplistic but aren’t engaging. The demons that possess civilians are referred to as ‘foreigners’. The fusion and form taken is called a ‘trance’. The powers used are referred to as one’s ‘logic’. It’s just more distractingly silly than anything else.  I know it sounds like I’m nitpicking (and honestly I am), but there had to have been better phrases that came to mind.
Second was the cgi during the action scenes. Now if it were just for the demons (I’m not calling them by their dumbass name in the show), then it’d just be a nit-pick. However, I can clearly see the models for the main characters running toward objects and being hit against a car and they’re not rendered well. They aren’t immersive at all and I feel like I’m watching an early PlayStation 2 game.
That being said, I do like the designs of the demons. I remember what each one looked like even if their names escaped me. The main character also has a pretty badass costume. What he doesn’t have is a personality.
! Characters !
I could get into each character individually like I usually do with my reviews. But I don’t want to waste your time.
They’re all boring because they don’t go beyond their backstory. Yoshichika is the generic protagonist that wants to help people do to a past experience. His partner, Athena is the generic big breasted good girl that has a crush on the main character for very little reason. Tamaki is the serious book worm. You get the idea.
Chloe is the only hero I found myself caring about do to her standing out the most as the boisterous, fitness girl. That and her outfit continues the trend of ‘sex appeal over practicality’ in action shows. Yoshichika’s dad was also kind of fun. But I think that’s because the voice actor plays him like ‘Scot Steiner’ if he had only one fuck left to give instead of none.
When each character was first introduced, I got invested. But nothing ever came from them. Mana is still the emotionless doll archetype that I hate after Yoshichika gives her a generic ‘we’re all in this together’ speech. She doesn’t interact with the other characters any more than she did before the episode that focused on her. So I lost interest.
That’s actually a good way to explain my feelings on this show.
! The Show !
They do a great job explaining how their world works. In the first episode, the main character is watching a video of his battle before losing his powers and is asked later by his little sister if he ‘misses the glory days’. It’s not spelled out, but there’s enough for the audience to put the pieces together. There’s a lot of visual story telling that 90% of anime REALLY need to learn how to use. There was rarely any time when something was said that I rolled my eyes at or responded ‘well, no duh’ too. It still happened, but not as often as it does with 99% of action anime.
The city is nicely designed if not a little cliché in some places. Sci-fi city with silver skyscrapers if you catch my drift.
The jokes were okay. Simple, but still okay.
Same can be said for the action scenes. Again, the cgi is really distracting, but when you focus on the fight choreography, it’s actually entertaining. Hearing them plan out the fights is fun and engaging. The girls working off of each other in order to take down the demon of the day did manage to keep my attention throughout the battles. That is until they started to overly rely on the 3D models. 
The things I like about this show aren’t enough for me to recommend it. But I can’t say I hated watching it either.        
! Grade !
It started out as a fun show to watch. Simple plot with the grounds for well-developed characters. But because there was no development with the characters in a show that focused on their interactions, it just became boring. Everything else about the show was a little more interesting. But not interesting enough to keep me from giving this a less than spectacular grade.
Grade: C-
Final Word: I gradually lost my smile watching this show.
What’s your opinion?


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